Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He is our Rock

I awoke this morning with an old gospel tune....Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same! All may change, but Jesus, never. Glory to His name. The election is over, we all prayed that God's choice would be our choice as well. I believe in the sovereignty of God. I believe that He sets up one and brings down another. Now, we need to pray for the new president, his family, his advisors, his cabinet, the house and senate.....our nation. A contemporary prophet assured that the new person in the White House would seek God's counsel, that his heart would be transformed. So we expect God to work in this man's heart, mind, and life. May he have the heart of David and of love God, seek His ways, know that his own wisdom and understanding in inadequate and realize his vast need of God's wisdom in governing so great a people. ALL MAY CHANGE, but JESUS, NEVER! Though all that we know may begin to whirl around us in tempest fashion, tornadic force, we have our Rock, our Strong Tower, our Deliverer, our unfailing, unchanging God. Look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith...our Origin and our Destination....our Creator and Perfector.